security question for magically inclined

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Posted by Klaus on July 02, 2001 at 09:53:54:


I am wondering about the removal security of handcuffs
without actually damaging the item. Let's focus on
the lock mechanism and disregard such things like a
keyhole on the wrong side or hinged cuffs.

I have read magicians do get challenged every now and
then with items which are not tricked and which use a
non-standard key. Any cuff using the usual handcuff key
should not be a problem for any magician worth his salt,
but I would guess that some higher security designs
might be quite hard to pick and could create
a real headache.

Let's say you (as a magician) are not pressed for time,
have access to your toolbox or workshop but you are not
allowed to damage the restraint. Are there really cuffs
out there which you'd prefer not being challenged with?

In particular, is it possible to rank Hiatts HSS9,
Rivolier High Security and Clejuso 100 range with
respect to the challenge the lock poses?
Is there an even higher security restraint out there?

Going further, which locks or padlocks are really
a challenge, not for the magician on stage but for
a locksmith with access to his tools of the trade?


P.S. I am addressing 'magicians' in particular because
if a lock has a weakness they should be in the position
to find out and hence enable them to master a challenge
if they were presented with this item. They also ought
to know which challenges to turn down for good reason,
this is where stage skills need to kick in so they need
not say 'I would not get this damn thing off my wrists'

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